Life Alchemy

transform your life,
live your destiny



  1. a seemingly magical process of transformation or creation

  2. the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary

  3. the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir

My name is Kim Mlinarik, and I am passionate about helping people create their ideal life. I believe that we are all blessed with unique gifts and talents that align with our greatest passions. When we embrace these gifts and passions we can create a life beyond our wildest dreams!

Sometimes however, life throws us a curveball and we can quickly feel stuck or overwhelmed. Or we have a dream or vision of our future that seems unattainable, so we put it on our bucket list for someday down the road. Often our greatest challenges and struggles teach us our biggest life lessons and give us an opportunity to slow down and consciously take inventory of what is most important and meaningful to us. During these times when we are courageous enough to take action, it can be a window for powerful transformation. When we bravely face our doubts, fears, and transitions we are amazed at the alchemy that can happen in our life!

It would be my great honor to assist you in the courageous work of unraveling the patterns, fears, and roadblocks of the past and transform them into a lifestyle, career, and relationships that honor your values and inspire your most authentic and passionate life. You have a unique and incredible destiny just waiting for you! I invite you to embark on this journey with me to transform your life and live your destiny!




This year-long journey will combine the sacred practices of Peruvian Shamans with empowerment coaching to support you in transforming limiting patterns, beliefs, and barriers into wisdom and clarity to dream in a life of joy, meaning, and alignment with your soul's purpose.

The experience will include:

  • Four weekend workshops throughout the year: one for each direction of the Medicine Wheel

  • Individual coaching in between workshops

  • Group coaching sessions

  • Half day empowerment workshops

  • Connection opportunities to a sacred community of others on this journey with you

More details coming soon!

Transformational Coaching

Throughout our lives we experience times where we feel stagnant or have outgrown our goals and dreams of the past. This can be our cue that our soul is yearning for something new. When we embrace this opportunity to explore our values and our heart’s desire it can be a powerful time to transform our life. During the coaching process we will creatively embark on this journey of exploration with the intention of identifying your natural gifts and what has heart and meaning in your life. As you invite inspiration and passion to blossom discover a life more magical and meaningful than ever imagined!

Energy Healing

When we experience a trauma or feel stuck in a pattern despite our best efforts, often there can be a deeper energetic wound that is ready to be healed. Energy work is a gentle and experiential form of healing that clears stuck energy from the chakra system and energy field and can assist you in reclaiming parts of your soul that have been wounded from the past. Meditation, breath work, journaling, mindfulness practices, and ceremony are incorporated in these healing sessions to support you in creating new energetic patterns and neural pathways that lead to a deep sense of reconnecting with your true self and all that is possible in your life.

Individual and Couples Therapy

I believe that we are put on this earth to experience life as fully and as joyfully as possible. Therapy can help us toward this end by working through patterns, traumas, belief systems, and behaviors that hinder us from the life or relationship we really want. When we become conscious of these road blocks we can work to heal them. This process can also bring great wisdom of what is most meaningful to us. When we embrace these awarenesses it empowers us to create a new path that matches our values, lifestyle, ideal relationships, and dreams.

Family Services

Family therapy is an opportunity for your families to come together and consciously identify any painful or destructive patterns that you would like to lay to rest and work toward the new relationships you would like to create. As a family you will work to define new roles, practice communication skills, and create a healthy lifestyle for each member and as a family. As this new vision takes form, we identify the steps needed to create your family’s next chapter. Parent coaching and family workshops can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your family.

Rites of Passage Ceremony

Throughout life we experience a number of transitions that mark a new phase of life. It can be very meaningful to honor these transitions symbolically as a rite of passage into your next chapter. With celebration and ceremony I work with you to co-create a ritual that is unique to you and honors your vision and intention for the future. Graduations, weddings, birth, death, divorce, and transitions into adulthood are perfect opportunities to celebrate with your family and friends. This celebration will serve as a memorable and meaningful landmark on your life’s journey.  

Travel Experiences

Travel abroad often inspires visions of a new way of life. New cultures, the peace and beauty of nature, and time away from our busy schedules can bring an opportunity for self-reflection. Together with a team of professional guides we offer group and custom experiences abroad that combine playful experiential work with a magical and transformative adventure. When our perspective expands and our heart fills with new experiences, so expands our vision, dreams, and beliefs of what is possible. Thus your adventure becomes the catalyst for your own personal alchemy.

Custom Services

If your school, therapeutic or transitional program, or group is in need of guidance or any of the above services we can work together to create an experience that will meet the unique needs of your group.  Therapy, coaching, rites of passage, and energetic work can be tailored in creative and experiential ways for workshops, retreats, and trips abroad.  Whether for parents, students, families, or staff, the goal is always to create a meaningful and transformative experience.


My name is Kim Mlinarik and I grew up in a small town in the midwest. I was born with an adventurous spirit and an innate drive to pursue the things that made me feel alive. I was blessed to have parents that instilled the values of hard work and integrity. My wise mentors taught me that success is unique to each individual, and that the crazy and painful twists and turns of life bring the gifts of clarity and wisdom. Through my own twists and turns and hard-earned wisdom I have come to trust that we all are powerful creators and have endless possible paths that our lives can take.   

I have always been intrigued with the dynamics of human relationships and all they teach us about ourselves. In college I majored in psychology, then earned a graduate degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I have been blessed with many rich and meaningful work experiences, starting earliest as a sports coach and summer camp counselor, then as a case manager and home-based therapist, Head Start consultant, and facilitator of emotional growth curriculum in a vocational school.

Eventually I found myself being called to the majestic mountains of the west and moved to Utah to be the clinical director and therapist at a renowned wilderness treatment program. Several years later I transitioned to Idaho to work as a therapist and partner in running a young adult transitional program.  

After ten years of working with inspirational young adults my spirit spoke loudly and I left the job I loved to pursue a dream of creating emotional and spiritual growth adventures abroad. At this point I had begun to study indigenous healing and energy work. Now, twelve years later, those studies have created a whole new dimension to my work with clients in their process of healing and transforming their lives.

My current work is a culmination of all of my previous experiences over the last 23 years. Using the energetic tools of transformation combined with a safe and nurturing environment, I provide a continuum of services to clients through therapy, coaching, energetic healing, empowerment workshops, and travel experiences abroad. My services are inspired by the intention to guide each client through a journey of healing and expanding, while empowering them to step into their authentic selves to create their dreams. 

On a personal level, my greatest passion is exploring cultures around the world. I have traveled to five continents and love to write about my travel experiences. I am learning to speak Italian, and embrace any opportunity to be in the beauty and peace of nature. My husband and family have my heart.


I cannot say enough about Kim Mlinarik’s effectiveness as a therapist and coach. In the past I found most self-help advice to be very elusive and never stick. Kim is a life coach who guides you to tap into the power within oneself as a foundation. Kim is true magic. After participating in a six-week life coaching session with Kim, I have a sense of renewed confidence guiding me each day. Kim has a natural ability to connect with her clients on a level that immediately overcomes barriers and makes space for positive thoughts and visions to come forward and grow. She is a guide to the discovery of the gifts that lie within each individual. I was lost and then I found myself, thank you Kim!

Kim is caring, kind, empathetic and compassionate and shows up to each session with her full attention and love. What I most appreciate is that she challenges me, calls me out on my unhealthy patterns and makes me look at the parts of myself that I might otherwise choose to hide in my shadow.  Most of all, she encourages me to be accountable, to live in integrity and to take responsibility for all of my actions. Kim has helped foster my growth, maturity, mind, heart and soul, and is a big part of the healthier woman I have become today.

Kim is an amazing coach. I was in the midst of a huge life transition and was looking at making a big decision to leave one job and start a small business. I wanted to be in my heart in order to follow the best path possible for me. I am so glad I decided to work with Kim. She held space for me to find my own strength and to make my own decisions. I ultimately decided to open my own CrossFit gym and now I own a place that is collaborative, fun, benefits families in my small community and feeds my soul everyday.

Thank you for helping me find who I am.

Facing serious issues with my child has been the hardest thing I have encountered so far in my life. Family therapy work with Kim Mlinarik was our life preserver in such an emotionally tumultuous storm. Kim’s calm, intuitive, wise, inspirational nature kept us open to expressing our feelings and owning our parts in the situation. She guided us to understand each other and ourselves in such a way that brand new communication organically opened up between us. The insight she brought to us gave us hope we thought we had lost forever.

Tuscany was a life transformative experience, one that I knew I was ready for, but didn’t quite know how powerful it would be. I am forever grateful for living and breathing Italy with an amazing group of women. Every single moment of this trip enlightened and enriched my soul forever! I am hooked forever and will not ever cease my curiosity for more. Thank you Kimberly for making my Tuscan experience an unforgettable memory.



To inquire about rates, services, or to schedule an appointment, please contact me using the form below or at (208) 352-2242.
